Fungus Devastating Frogs on Nearly Every Continent May Have an Achilles Heel–and Scientists Think it Could Save the Amphibians

Fungus Devastating Frogs on Nearly Every Continent May Have an Achilles Heel–and Scientists Think it Could Save the Amphibians

A pandemic among frogs has been going on worldwide for years—the culprit: a fungal infection that has affected amphibians on nearly every continent. But now, the discovery of a virus that has evolved to replicate inside this fungus could be the key to saving nearly 500 species of frogs that have experienced declines due to […]

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Frogs’ Fluorescence May Be a Way of Communicating

Frogs’ Fluorescence May Be a Way of Communicating

Once thought to be a rare occurrence among terrestrial animals, fluorescence is more widespread than scientists once thought. Frogs’ fluorescence was first discovered in 2017. Before that, scientists were not aware that some of these amphibians were biofluorescent. Biofluorescence has to do with light wavelengths. According to a report published in the scientific journal Nature, […]

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Study: Glassfrogs Hide Red Blood Cells in Their Liver to Achieve Transparency

Study: Glassfrogs Hide Red Blood Cells in Their Liver to Achieve Transparency

Transparency in animals is a complex form of camouflage involving mechanisms that reduce the scattering and absorption of light throughout the organism. Many species have evolved transparency, but it is particularly challenging for vertebrates because red blood cells attenuate light. In a new study, researchers from Duke University and elsewhere found that glassfrogs are able […]

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Study Finds That the Wildlife Trade Affects One-Fifth of Vertebrates on Land

Study Finds That the Wildlife Trade Affects One-Fifth of Vertebrates on Land

All animals with a backbone are called vertebrates. These include mammals, bird, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. A recent study found that a devastation one-fifth of vertebrates that live on land are bought and sold in the wildlife trade. More than 30,000 species of mammal, bird, amphibian and reptile were surveyed. The study, published in Science […]

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‘Death by a thousand holes’: Scientists race to avert a salamander crisis

‘Death by a thousand holes’: Scientists race to avert a salamander crisis

Any day now. That’s when Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), the “salamander-eating” fungus, is expected to arrive in the United States, home to more than a third of the world’s species of these slippery amphibians.It all began in 2008, when Bsal traveledsome through the pet trade from Asia to northern Europe. There, it escaped into the wild […]

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