The sun has finally decided to shine timidly. If the males screech like pigs being slaughtered this female iss much too busy to attract their attention. She is raising three beautiful black chicks and offers a great show, running back and forth in search of blood worms to feed them. Râle d’eau – – Rallus […]
Tag: bird
The Beauty of Blue Tits
Parus caeruleus – No need for words here, just enjoy these cute guys! 🙂 La beauté des Mésanges bleues… Les mâles ont des couleurs nettement marquées par rapport aux femelles, néanmoins ce n’est pas toujours évident de discerner les 2 sexes: Males like this on below have brighter colors than females, nevertheless, it is not […]
European green woodpecker
European green woodpecker – Last pictures of the series I took during the short snow episode that brought me great luck with the Goshawk female hunting a pheasant. These are not pictures you can hope taking easily; since I won’t have another chance at witnessing such a scarce scene, I enjoyed the moment fully… Enough […]
Eurasian spoonbills bathing
Nikon 500 mm + convert 1/4 – Platalea leucorodia This series of pictures was taken near the Arcachon basin at Le Teich. The preserve extends on 110 hectares of wooded areas, reed beds, meadows, saltmarsh and water stretch out between the mainland sector right up to the coastline. This wide variety of natural habitats is […]
Endangered: Peruvian Plantcutter (Phytotoma raimondii) VIDEO
By: Michael Tweddle As a nature lover and wildlife photographer it is always a pleasure to be part in research and conservation activities. Here an example of two livelong friends’ researchers, Monica Romo and Mario Rosina and their hours of commitment studying and protecting the endemic Peruvian Plantcutter. The Peruvian Plantcutter (Phytotoma raimondii), is endemic […]
Light buzzards’ colorations and migration – 03
Buteo buteo – Accipitriformes – Accipitriadae – This is the lightest buzzard I saw so far this winter. Easily recognizing individuals thanks to the plumage coloration of their breast and comparing them from one season to another has proven me that I have not seen again the birds from previous years, which implies that they […]
The Eurasian Blackcap
Sylvia atricapilla Passeriformes – Sylviidae This dullish bird does not come often to feeders but I see it once in a while when I go for strolls in the woods. Ce n’est pas un oiseau qui vient facilement à la mangeoire mais il m’arrive d’en croiser en promenade dans les sous-bois et c’est bien plus […]
The Water Rail
Rallus aquaticus Gruiformes – Rallidae These birds are monogamous and very territorial; however, on sites which suit them best but are regrettably becoming scarce, a pair can nest at 20 meters from each other. The birds are very affectionate toone another; the male chooses the location of the nest and builds it elevated according to […]