On the way up north on Wednesday for a work thing I stopped off in Shrewsbury to look for the Night Heron that’s spent a couple of weeks there. I Parked up at the entrance to Dingle Park paid the £3 for 2 hours parking and followed the signs for the Quarry and within seconds […]
Tag: Black Crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron at Spring Hammock Preserve
Black-crowned Night HeronI drove to Spring Hammock Preserve this morning hoping to find my first Great Crested Flycatcher of the year. I didn’t see one, but I did hear one calling. The biggest surprise, though, was this Black-crowned Night …

Black-crowned Night-Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax – Quite a common species round the world. It is only in its 3rd year that the young takes on its adult plumage. Usually nocturnal, it is interesting to notice that in a protected area, it comes out in broad day light even if it does not hunt. These pics were taken at […]

Johnny vs. the Texas Coast
We spent a day on the (Texas) coast last weekend. In 2007 I vowed I’d never return to such a foul place after a particularly horrid experience. I totally lied to myself and have gone back every year since I so loudly pronounced this. Usually multiple times, even working at Padre Island National Seashore for […]

Garza bruja (Black crowned night heron) Nycticorax nycticorax
Luego de observar estas dos fotografías no van a tardar mucho en encontrar al culpable de no haberme podido acercar un poco mas a la garza para mejorar las tomas. El quiere ser el centro de atención y por tal motivo no deja a nadie tranquilo; como es habitual también en esta oportunidad el Benteveo […]

Round up of Al Hayer in February
Last year I visited Al Hayer south of Riyadh almost weekly and it became what we birders call my local patch. This year I vowed to make trips more widely within Saudi Arabia and I have been doing so. However last weekend I returned to Al Hayer for the first time in over 6 weeks. […]

Birds of Colusa National Wildlife Refuge
Colusa National Wildlife Refuge is part of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex located about 90 miles North of Sacramento, California’s state capitol. The Sacramento National Wildlife Complex consists of five national wildlife refuges (NWR) and three wildlife management areas (WMA) found in California’s central valley. Colusa NWR is located about 6 miles east of […]

A Morning’s Birding in January
First of all a Happy New Year to all my readers!We were away for quite a while this holiday period and I was in need of some birding at my local patch, La Janda. Every month of the year there is continual migration through our area and change is apparent almost on a weekly basis.The […]