Amazon Rainforest Birds Suffer Mysterious Declines in Pristine Habitats

Amazon Rainforest Birds Suffer Mysterious Declines in Pristine Habitats

Populations of Amazonian birds have been quietly plummeting for years, even in forests untouched by human activity. According to research highlighted by Tess McClure in The Guardian, scientists working at remote sites in Ecuador, Brazil, and Panama have found that bird numbers are falling generation by generation. These spots, such as the Tiputini Biodiversity Research […]

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Petition: Help Protect Endangered Pied Tamarin Monkeys from Urban Expansion

Petition: Help Protect Endangered Pied Tamarin Monkeys from Urban Expansion

The pied tamarin, one of the world’s most critically endangered primates, is facing serious threats as the Brazilian government plans to expand the city of Manaus. These adorable monkeys, recognizable by their distinct black and white faces, are now confined to shrinking patches of forest due to urban sprawl, making them vulnerable to road accidents […]

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A deadly parasite turns jaguar conservation into a human health priority

A deadly parasite turns jaguar conservation into a human health priority

In Brazil‘s Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, Paul Raad crouched in the undergrowth, scanning the ground for signs of jaguar activity. He wasn’t looking for the big cats themselves; instead, the veterinarian from São Paulo State University (UNESP) was searching for fresh jaguar feces. Spotting a recent sample, Raad carefully collected it, stored it […]

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