Raptor and passerine migration is now well and truly underway in my region of Japan. The Chinese Goshawks have finished and now it is the turn of the Oriental Honey Buzzards, Grey-faced Buzzards, Eurasian Sparrowhawks and smaller numbers of Northern Hobby and Japanese Sparrowhawk. The Eurasian Kestrels have just arrived at Isahaya, along with the […]
Tag: Eurasian sparrowhawk

Highlights from this year’s Spring Tour on The Strait of Gibraltar – April 2015
Here’s a quick photo summary of some of the birds we watched down in Andalucia on one of my spring birdwatching tours. Each spring we offer such small tour group holidays to go out in the field and see what bird species are arriving from Africa. The close proximity of the two continents makes this […]

Eurasian Sparrowhawk (juvenile)
Some images of a juvenile Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) that I encountered this morning at Moriyama reclaimed land area.

Raptor Movement and La Janda News
It’s been another busy week here down on The Strait of Gibraltar. As the summer slowly comes to an end and autumn weather and shorter days signal birds to move slowly south, the skies above Cadiz province have all kinds of bird species flying over or stopping off to feed before crossing the narrow stretch […]

The European sparrowhawk digesting his latest meal!
Accipiter nisus male – Accipitridae – Accipitriformes – He remained at 3 meters from me for exactly 22 minutes, calculated on the timing from the first pic to the last! Il s’est écoulé 22 minutesentre la première et la dernière photo de cet épisode où il est resté là!!Il digérait tranquillement son dernier repas… il […]

European Greenfinch VS Sparrowhawk
Passeriformes – Fringillidae – For a few days I have observed, from the corner of my eye a fairly large bird flying swiftly over and around my tent and above the feeding table making the passerine birds quite nervous. Until today I hadn’t been able to see what it was, but this morning, it settled […]