Genetic diversity in animals and plants has declined globally over the past three decades, an analysis of more than 600 species has found. The research, published in the journal Nature, found declines in two-thirds of the populations studied, but noted that urgent conservation efforts could halt or even reverse genetic diversity losses. Dozens of scientists […]
Tag: Genet

A deadly parasite turns jaguar conservation into a human health priority
In Brazil‘s Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, Paul Raad crouched in the undergrowth, scanning the ground for signs of jaguar activity. He wasn’t looking for the big cats themselves; instead, the veterinarian from São Paulo State University (UNESP) was searching for fresh jaguar feces. Spotting a recent sample, Raad carefully collected it, stored it […]

Conservationists call for fox-free zones to protect the Parma wallaby
The creation of more fox-free safe havens and greater collaboration between government and landowners is needed to ensure the survival of a species of wallaby, an expert from The Australian National University (ANU) argues. The Parma wallaby, also known as the white-throated wallaby, is listed as a vulnerable species in Australia, while the International Union […]

Asiatic wild asses return to Saudi Arabia after 100 years
It’s been a century since an onager or Asiatic wild ass was last seen in Saudi Arabia. But in April this year, seven onagers were relocated from neighboring Jordan into one of Saudi Arabia’s nature reserves. One of the onagers has even birthed a female foal since then. “These are the first free running onager […]

New brown bear ‘stronghold’ in Nepal redraws species’ range map
KATHMANDU — Researchers have discovered brown bears in a part of Nepal not previously known to host the species, prompting a call to protect this area as a bear “stronghold.” The finding, based on camera-trap images, also expands the known range of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Asia. It could also mark out the […]
What Cat Breeds Can Survive in the Wild?
Cats are fascinating creatures, and many people love them for their independent nature. While most cats today are kept as indoor pets, some breeds are more suited for life in the wild. Here are a few of the hardiest cat breeds that can survive in the wilderness: Siberian Cat The Siberian cat is a large, […]

The Common Genet
Genetta genetta – I went to photograph quite a different subject knowing that in this low mountain area Genets are quite common, I was hoping to see one but without really believing it. This one was having a nap in a tree hollow so must have had a meal not long ago. The big eyes […]