Mongolia – 12th May (Day 5) – Dalanzadgad and Gurvan Saikhan National Park

Mongolia – 12th May (Day 5) – Dalanzadgad and Gurvan Saikhan National Park

After some early morning birding around the guest house at Dalanzadgad which produced much the same as yesterday including Isabelline Shrike,Pallas’s Bunting, Red-throated Thrush and Long-toed Stint we packed our bags and headed into the Gurvan Saikhan National Park around 45 minutes away.       Citrine Wagtail- Gurvan Saikhan National Park Isabelline Shrike – […]

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It only gets better

It only gets better

As the season progress more and more migrants are found on a daily basis. In fact it is so hectic that I cant find the time to sit and write all the updates, so below is a very quick review of what was seen in the past 10 days: On 13th while guiding a happy […]

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Let the games begin once again

Let the games begin once again

After long idle due to being too occupied in moving into our new house at last, yesterday I went back to the field, joined by Shachar with his powerful Nikon (thus I didn’t really bother photographing…)We had a great day with many birds and goodevidenceof migration throughout. Starting at K20 we found the ponds loading […]

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Kungsörn 2014

Kungsörn 2014

Då var årets sittning klar, kanske inte den bästa men ändå 3 olika individer av duvhök och en gammal kungsörn (fox) framme så de gick att fotografera det smög också omkring en gammal havsörn men den individen vågade sig inte fram. Vädret var väl lite för klart för de flesta individerna de vågar sig fram […]

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Nostalgic look back in time at Scotland’s first pioneering golden eagle photographer.

Nostalgic look back in time at Scotland’s first pioneering golden eagle photographer.

Between the years 1906 and 1910, pioneering Harry Macphearson laboured long and hard amongst the Scottish Grampian highlands to create the first photographic record of breeding Golden Eagles in Scotland. Now Terry Pickford recounts the exploits of this unsung Highland warrior from a past era. “In a wild deer-forest in the heart of the Grampian […]

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