Songbirds, those cute little birds- that are sometimes so small you might not see them hidden in the vegetation are commonly found along Avenue A and River Road along the San Antonio River located in Brackenridge Park next to a quaint little neighborhood of Historic homes. Passerines: Songbirds represent a group of birds known for […]
Tag: Great Kiskadee

Great Kiskadee and Lookalikes
Everytime I go to Mexico I love seeing Great Kiskadees. They’re beautiful birds, and they’re always calling, it seems, so you always know they’re around. But there are other species of flycatchers that look very much like them. The Social Flycatcher has a smaller bill and a slightly different facial pattern. I’ve seen those in […]

Acapulco Birding, Aug. 2015
Yesterday I returned from my service project in Acapulco, Mexico. We were working with an orphanage there, and my time was pretty filled up with that. However, in the mornings I was able to walk along the streets around the campus and see what birds I could find. I found four new life birds on […]

South Texas Photography Trip – June 2014
First, this particular area of south Texas is called the Rio Grande Valley, more specifically, the Lower Rio Grande Valley. It is where the Rio Grande River meets the Gulf of Mexico, and is considered one of the most biologically diverse regions in North America, where over 500 species of birds have been documented. During […]

Benteveo común, Great kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus
¡Cómo no aprovechar la oportunidad de lograr unas buenas fotografías!!!! Sabido es que en la fotografía de aves el quedarse quieto tiene sus beneficios ornitológicos, como lo dice don Tito Narosky es una de las pruebas mas duras para el fotógrafo. Aveces cuando las novedades escasean uno siempre comete el error de cambiar de lugar […]

Cuando la confianza vence al miedo
Estas fotos son un claro ejemplo que muestran los resultados de cuando la confianza vence al miedo; es sabido que algunas especies son mucho mas confiadas que otras, pero luego de un buen tiempo brindando comida a las aves, estoy logrando que lleguen a acostumbrarse de mi presencia y a veces la cercanía me juega […]

Acapulco Birds
I spent last week in Acapulco, Mexico. I wasn’t there for birding. I was there with a small group of people that were working in an orphanage. I barely went anywhere outside the orphanage, but I did walk the streets nearby in the mornings, and once in the afternoon, just to see what I might […]

South Texas Photography Trip
Over the last several years, in a number of photography forums I follow, I kept seeing wonderful images from several of the photography ranches in south Texas. Each year I would say, I need to get down there. Well, last summer I decided to plan the trip. I asked three of my photog friends if […]