As we confront increased ecological pressures, wildlife laws are a necessary protection for all the lifeforms of the world. These laws are humankind’s oath to conserve biodiversity and ensure that millions of animal species live on for future generations. Essays on wildlife protection laws can effectively balance legal and environmental perspectives, with support from resources […]
Tag: greater sage grouse

5 of the Most Spectacular (& Elaborate) Mating Rituals of Birds
Mating rituals in the animal kingdom vary across species, and birds are no exception. Typically, dances for courtship between birds involve the makes working hard to attract the females’ attention. They use movement, sounds, skills, and good looks to woo their potential partner! 1. Black-Footed Albatross Source: Eric Dale/Youtube The black-footed albatross mating ritual is […]

New report shows alarming state of North-American birds
Since the seventies, millions of North American birds have disappeared and a third of species are now of high regional conservation concern, a new report reveals. Experts agree that their long-term conservation will only be achieved by building transnational partnerships and involving local communities in citizen science projects. Migratory birds connect the North American continent as millions […]

The U.S. House of Representatives Declares War on Wildlife and the Environment
Can the second session of the 113th U.S. House of Representatives be any more harmful to wildlife and the environment than the first session of 2013? It appears that they can! On January 3, 2014, the U.S. House of Representatives convened to start its second session of the 113th Congress. By the end of the […]