Well, this is not actually a post about birding by the sea, but birding by the Long Island Sound at Hammonasset Beach State Park. Images in this post are from a trip to Hammonasset in mid-January when I met world eBirders Julie Hart and Daniel Schlaepfer with four additional visits in February. Julie was kind […]
Tag: Iceland Gull
Some eye candy and a polar brute
After yesterday’s fiasco I had to do penance to both the environment and my body and hope to regain some credit with the Bird Gods. As I had a lunchtime appointment in town with some nice cheese (courtesy of Egil Ween, one of Norway’s top birders, Værøy regular and importer of exclusive foods) it was […]
Oslo Iceland
I needed a good day to lift me out of the doldrums currently being caused by a severe case of Trump Fatigue Syndrome and I got it – thank you bird gods! The day started with the Sørkedalen Hawk Owl before 9am. This bird has been seen very occasionally over the last two months (although […]
Pokémon birding
Yesterday I found myself trailing behind Jr and Jr Jr whilst they hunted Pokémons in Frognerparken. This suited Sr just fine as the small lakes here can house a few birds in the winter months. Yesterday there were no less than five species of duck with 100+ Mallard being accompanied by a young male Wigeon, […]
Red Knot at Daytona Beach Shores
Daytona Beach Shores is a great place to go to see gulls in the winter time in Florida. About an hour before sundown, they fly in and land along the coastline by the tens of thousands. My father and I went to see Thayer and Iceland Gulls that have been seen there frequently. We picked […]
Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides)
Every year since 2010 I have been photographing the Iceland Gulls that spend the winter in the parking lot at Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts.