Bird flu found in mammals near Antarctica for the first time, scientists say

Bird flu found in mammals near Antarctica for the first time, scientists say

Bird flu has made its way into fur and elephant seal populations for the first time on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, a team of scientists confirmed on Thursday, setting off alarm bells for conservationists as the highly contagious disease has already killed millions of birds worldwide. Scientists first suspected the presence of avian […]

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The Importance of Sustainable Fishing for the Health of Oceans

The Importance of Sustainable Fishing for the Health of Oceans

Fishing has always been an integral part of human civilization, providing sustenance and livelihood for coastal communities worldwide declining. However, the rapid growth of the fishing industry in recent decades has put immense pressure on our oceans and marine ecosystems. Unsustainable fishing practices worldwide have led to overfishing, habitat destruction and declining marine biodiversity. We […]

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