The wet weather continued north and southern Spain was once again bathed in sunshine. Saying that though, rain is forecast for the coming weekend. Back out in the field, La Janda’s tracks are passable with care and you can get through to Benalup from the main N340 road. There are a few sticky bits with […]
Tag: marsh harrier

Bird Tour Report
From Sunday midday until Wednesday afternoon I guided a visiting birder from Canada around places in Kumamoto, Nagasaki and Saga prefectures. Firstly we went to Yatsushiro and Hikawa Estuary, where we saw gulls and shorebirds, however the Black-faced Spoonbills that I had expected there were not to be found. The next morning we watched Streaked […]

All along The Strait
Yesterday the weather started to change, as a low-pressure system came up from the south-west. Rain came in the night which is a pity as it’s our daughter Amelia’s birthday today! There were some insects around as I explored the coastline from Tarifa to Pelayo with father and son, Terry and Gary from the UK […]

Autumn Migration
Raptor and passerine migration is now well and truly underway in my region of Japan. The Chinese Goshawks have finished and now it is the turn of the Oriental Honey Buzzards, Grey-faced Buzzards, Eurasian Sparrowhawks and smaller numbers of Northern Hobby and Japanese Sparrowhawk. The Eurasian Kestrels have just arrived at Isahaya, along with the […]

Southern Spain Part 1 – The Strait of Gibraltar with Limosa Holidays
Day 5. Sunday 16th September A thick layer of mist hung over the coast and main road to Tarifa as we took an early breakfast. Driving a short distance onto the old military land, now being used by Fundación Migres, we left in the mini-bus and decided to have a look at the physical layout […]

Southern Spain Part 1 – Coto Doñana with Limosa Holidays
Day 1. Wednesday 12th September 2012 The flight from Heathrow was ahead of time and Stephen met the group at the new terminal building at Gibraltar airport. After walking across the border into Spain we loaded the minibus and headed overland through Jerez to Bonanza and the Algaida on the Guadalquivir River to have lunch […]

Migration: Honey Buzzards, Harriers and Skimmers
I have never come across an Eagle Owl actively moving with other raptors during migration right on the edge of The Strait of Gibraltar. These huge normally nocturnal and secretive birds obviously do move or disperse but not much is known about where they travel to. One day someone will fit satellite transmitters to them […]