The National Wildlife Refuge system is one of America’s greatest treasures. It preserves habitat, protects wildlife. and provides diverse nature experiences for visitors from around the world. According to the latest (2013) report by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) entitled “Banking on Nature: The Economic Benefits to Local Communities of National Wildlife Refuge […]
Tag: national wildlife refuge system

The Duck Stamp Brings in a Lot of Money
According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), in their 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation report, there are approximately 13.7 million hunters in the United States and nearly 71.8 million wildlife watchers. Of those 13.7 million hunters, only 2.6 million hunt migratory birds and only about 1.3 million hunt waterfowl. […]

Take a Trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR at Wildlife Conservation Stamp Website
Take a tour along with me to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, just posted over at the Wildlife Conservation Stamp website. This incredible wildlife refuge located at the south end of the San Francisco Bay includes 30,000 acres of wetlands, open water, and upland habitats, home to at least 800,000 birds […]

How a Fall in Duck Hunting Is Shooting a Financial Hole Into Conservation Efforts
Feb. 7, 2013 — The annual duck hunting season in the United States is traditionally big business, but while bird numbers are rising faster than they have for decades, the number of hunters continues to fall. Far from being good news for ducks a new study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin shows how the loss […]

Birds of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
According to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex website, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge comprises 5,797 acres, including seasonal marsh, permanent ponds, and uplands. It is predominately a hunting refuge for waterfowl and pheasant. Wildlife observation takes place from the county roads, on the perimeter of the refuge. There is one notable exception to this, the […]

CARE Calls Upon Congress to Abandon Sequestration and Fully Fund the National Wildlife Refuge System
The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement (CARE) urges Congress to ensure a future for America’s wildlife heritage and fully fund our National Wildlife Refuge System. Sequestration could cut the Refuge System’s budget by nearly 10%, but coupled with an additional annual appropriation cut, the overall impact could be as much as 20%. The U.S. Fish […]

Black-crowned Night-Heron Juvenile and Adult
I stopped at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge a few weeks ago on the way back home from a Northern California Audubon Council meeting in Clear Lake and spotted a few Black-crowned Night-Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) on the auto tour just before sunset. This juvenile was hunting from a irrigation outlet right next to the auto […]