Northern Shovelers (Anas clypeata) photos by Larry Jordan The Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata),unlike most dabbling ducks, has a bill ideally suited for straining small swimming crustaceans from the water (click on photos for full sized images). This is the drake in breeding plumage photographed at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge last week. Note the spatulate bill… […]
Tag: Northern Shoveler

Do You Enjoy Our National Wildlife Refuges?
Do you enjoy our National Wildlife Refuges? Did you know that our national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 types of birds, 220 varieties of mammals, 250 kinds of reptiles and amphibians, 1,000 species of fish and countless invertebrates and plants. They provide havens for some 280 endangered species, from the Florida panther […]

Merritt Island NWR, 12/31/2012
I spent the last morning of the year at Merritt Island. We went by Blackpoint Wildlife Drive and then Biolab Rd. I was hoping to find one more species for the year, but it looks like I’ll have to end the year at 259 Florida birds. Still, it was a nice, sunny day, and there […]

Bosque del Apache NWR by Don Getty – Part 3
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is a premier location for winter birding and bird photography. November and December are the best months. Bosque is located in New Mexico about 95 mile south of Albuquerque. The small community of Socorro, 19 mile north of the Refuge, offers a good variety of hotels and restaurants. When […]

Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge Continues to Please
So far into the new year Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge has continued to be VERY active. There has been a good population of roseate spoonbills, america avocets, eagles, and all sorts of ducks. Let me see if I can list some of the ducks in good numbers, american widgeons, northern shovelers, pintails, hooded mergansers, ring-necked, […]

Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge Very Productive In December
In the past Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge has had good activity during the months of Jan-March, but this year it started early. The ducks started to arrive, then the roseate spoonbills, avocets, reddish egrets and the like. Also, a local favorite gave us some really nice photo ops by staying in the same place, with […]

The Activity is Heating Up!
This past weekend I was at the Viera Wetlands, located in Viera, Florida. It is one of my favorites places to photograph. This time of year the activity really gets going and it did not disappoint! The ducks haved started to arrive, as in hooded mergansers, blue winged teals and northern shovelers. The crested caracara’s […]