Då var det dax att ringmärka pilgrimsfalksunge (tyvärr bara ett av 4 ägg kläckt), detta paret har lämnat många okläckta ägg efter sig genom åren, men stammen växer och fler falkar kommer ut på vingar för varje år.
Tag: Peregrine Falcon

Migrating Over a Carpet of Flowers
The last few weeks have been pretty busy for me with lots of tours and finding lots of migratory birds. This year’s early rain through the month of March was extreme but all along we knew that it would be a spectacular spring and hence have been rewarded with carpets of amazing multicoloured blooms covering […]

Merritt Island NWR, 3/30/2013
This morning I spent the morning at Merrit Island NWR. I first went to Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, and that was pretty fun. The biggest highlights were seeing several American Avocets in breeding plumage and my first Eastern Kingbird of the year. The Eastern Kingbird was right near the restrooms, where I seem to find them […]

Peregrine Falcon – Falco peregrinus
Wanderfalken, Falco peregrinus bekamen ihren Namen aus dem lateinischen Wort “Peregrinus Wanderer oder Pilger” was treffend auf diesen Raubvogel passt. Die Falken sind fast immer unterwegs und sind in ganz Nordamerika und rund um den Globus ausser in der Antarktik anzutreffen. Das Vorkommen war in den 50ger Jahren durch DDT- Vergiftung extrem gefaehrded. Inzwischen haben […]

Birds of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
According to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex website, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge comprises 5,797 acres, including seasonal marsh, permanent ponds, and uplands. It is predominately a hunting refuge for waterfowl and pheasant. Wildlife observation takes place from the county roads, on the perimeter of the refuge. There is one notable exception to this, the […]

Do You Enjoy Our National Wildlife Refuges?
Do you enjoy our National Wildlife Refuges? Did you know that our national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 types of birds, 220 varieties of mammals, 250 kinds of reptiles and amphibians, 1,000 species of fish and countless invertebrates and plants. They provide havens for some 280 endangered species, from the Florida panther […]

Merritt Island NWR, 1/19/2013
Yesterday I drove out to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. I visited three areas: Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, Canaveral National Seashore, and East/West Gator Creek. When I arrived on the island and drove toward Blackpoint Dr, I saw a man pulled over looking into the trees. I decided to look at what he found, and it […]

Drama at Oe
This morning at Oe I observed a Peregrine Falcon consistently attack an Eurasian Bittern. Although the falcon gained height and swooped down on a few occasions, it never actually “hit” the bittern – it kept breaking off its attack just before striking. I can only surmise that as it had lost the advantage of surprise, […]