Mead Gardens, 10/26/2013

Mead Gardens, 10/26/2013

Mead Gardens has been exceptionally slow all fall with very few warblers stopping by. But I still like to visit from time to time, especially during the Orange Adubon Society Birdwalks. So yesterday morning I joined the group that was there and had a great time. The biggest highlight was seeing a couple Red-headed Woodpeckers. […]

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Worm-eating Warbler at Central Winds Park

Worm-eating Warbler at Central Winds Park

I had a great morning at Central Winds; I saw 15 warblers, my highest total of the Fall so far. The biggest highlight for me was my first Magnolia Warbler of the year. Here’s my list: Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Northern, Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Northern Parula, Magnolia Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, […]

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Passerines seen in April

Passerines seen in April

In the dictionary the word passerine is described thus: passerine |ˈpasərin, -ˌrīn|Ornithology adjective – of, relating to, or denoting birds of a large order distinguished by feet that are adapted for perching, including all songbirds. noun – a passerine bird; a perching bird. The order Passeriformes comprises more than half of all bird species, the […]

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