For the First Time in Decades, Rare Birds Nest on Restored Chilean Island

For the First Time in Decades, Rare Birds Nest on Restored Chilean Island

In Pajaros Uno Island, La Higuera, Chile the Island Conservation is celebrating a groundbreaking milestone. For the first time in decades, the rare Peruvian Diving-Petrels, locally known as “yuncos,” have returned to nest on the island. These seabirds, crucial to the ecosystem’s health, have made their comeback less than a year after social attraction efforts […]

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RSPB Troup Head

RSPB Troup Head

In June 2012 I visited RSPB Troup Head, in order to produce a short promotional film for the RSPB. A week was spent filming on the high sea cliffs of the reserve, where I was privileged to be in the presence of the beautiful and prehistoric Northern Gannet, Morus bassanus. The close proximity allowed me […]

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RSPB Troup Head

RSPB Troup Head

I’ve just came back from some time filming the Gannets ofRSPB Troup Head, for the RSPB, to produce a short promotional film of the reserve. We’d planned for me to stay a week, but it soon turned into a two weeks, when I lost my car keys on the cliffs somewhere (most likely off the […]

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