It’s always fun when you get two lifers in two days. Yesterday a Lincoln’s Sparrowand this morning a Long-billed Curlew. I drove down to the Joe Overstreet Landing and had a great time there. The Curlew was very cooperative and easily found. It was hanging out with numerous Wilson’s Snipe. Then I found a Crested […]
Tag: Turkey Vulture
Birds of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge
According to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex website, Delevan National Wildlife Refuge comprises 5,797 acres, including seasonal marsh, permanent ponds, and uplands. It is predominately a hunting refuge for waterfowl and pheasant. Wildlife observation takes place from the county roads, on the perimeter of the refuge. There is one notable exception to this, the […]
Orlando Wetlands Park, 2/2/2013
This morning I went to Orlando Wetlands Park. I was hoping to see the Vermilion Flycatchers that were seen there this past November, and I found both without much difficulty. They’re such a beautiful red I can’t miss them even with my red-green colorblindness. They were pretty far a way, but since they’re such pretty […]
Turkey Vultures Deserve More Respect
The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is probably one of the most misunderstood birds in North America. Some people think they are ugly, but not I.
Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura)
Turkey Vultures Cathartes aura are fascinating and important birds of prey. They purify our world and should be held in high esteem or at least respected by all humans. A keen sense of smell aids these raptors of the dead in finding carrion from miles away. I am in awe of this magnificent Turkey Vulture, […]