Turkey Vultures Cathartes aura are fascinating and important birds of prey. They purify our world and should be held in high esteem or at least respected by all humans. A keen sense of smell aids these raptors of the dead in finding carrion from miles away.
I am in awe of this magnificent Turkey Vulture, who tried in a few ways to frighten me away. I was able to get within fifty feet and given quite a display.
This princely creature seems amazed at my not being intimidated by his six foot wide expanse of wing. “If my appearing larger does not scare you off . . . perhaps my hiss will!”
Turkey Vultures cannot woo one another by song . . . as many returning birds are doing in the gardens right now . . . they are not equipped with the needed voice box but get along with grunts, hisses and even coughs, to communicate amongst each other and ward off those that tread too close.
In this case the wide open mouth and odd sound are intended for this observer. I am more intrigued.
I find their ivory beaks pretty impressive too . . . all the better to tear flesh. Turkey Vultures have been known to eat some rotting fruit and even manure. The Turkey Vulture Societysite is worth visiting and you can read more about these cleaning machines here and here . . .

Carol Duke
Carol Duke is an artist and farmer who has worked with the land on a Western Massachusetts hillside for over thirty years. During this time her land has evolved into a diverse wildlife habitat. Carol features the flora and fauna that live and visit her farm on her blog http://flowerhillfarm.blogspot.com/ As vital wildlife habitats are destroyed daily, Carol hopes to inspire others to garden for wildlife, while becoming activists for wild places the world over. Her nature photography has appeared in magazines, books and newspapers.
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