4 Dominicans are accused of smuggling wildlife and throwing 113 birds overboard to their deaths

4 Dominicans are accused of smuggling wildlife and throwing 113 birds overboard to their deaths

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico– Today a federal grand jury indicted four men from the Dominican Republic who attempted to smuggle hundreds of exotic birds into the Dominican Republic and were interdicted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Coast Guard. According to court documents, on or about May 3, 2024, defendants Frankluis Carela […]

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Removing the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Removing the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species

Yet another tragic misstep by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) in it’s seemingly never ending quest to satisfy cattle ranchers and big game hunters is reflected in its proposal to delist the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus). In its press release Friday, June 7th, FWS writes “The proposal comes after a comprehensive review confirmed […]

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Log Spotted Owl Habitat Again? Didn’t We Already Make That Mistake Once?

Log Spotted Owl Habitat Again? Didn’t We Already Make That Mistake Once?

The recent proposed Critical Habitat designation for the Northern Spotted Owl does not protect the threatened species charge the Society for Conservation Biology, The Wildlife Society, American Bird Conservancy, and other groups. Comments submitted by the groups find that, by encouraging controversial and unproven logging practices in owl habitat, the draft plan fails to provide […]

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The Wedge Pack, a Washington State Wolf Pack, Exterminated Because Of One Arrogant Rancher

The Wedge Pack, a Washington State Wolf Pack, Exterminated Because Of One Arrogant Rancher

The gray wolf is an endangered species throughout Washington under state law and is endangered under federal law in the western two-thirds of the state. Wolves were once common throughout most of Washington, but declined rapidly from being aggressively killed during the expansion of ranching and farming between 1850 and 1900. Wolves were eliminated as […]

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