Why red states want to seize control of the Endangered Species Act

Why red states want to seize control of the Endangered Species Act

In September, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, testifying on behalf of Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso’s latest bill to gut the Endangered Species Act (ESA) peddled the fake-news narrative that the ESA is “broken.” States would do a better job recovering endangered wildlife, Gordon testified, ignoring the obvious reality that every single species protected under the ESA […]

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Killing nearly 500 wolves in a year failed to protect endangered caribou – study

Killing nearly 500 wolves in a year failed to protect endangered caribou – study

With their ability to glide silently through snow drifts and vanish into forests, mountain caribou have been called the grey ghosts of western Canada’s alpine region. But in recent years, a steep drop in their population has raised fears the knobby-kneed ungulates may disappear forever. The rapid decline of mountain caribou has alarmed both biologists […]

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