If you’re looking for a place where you can take your entire family on a wildlife-watching vacation, there are several great destinations to choose from. For example, South Africa is an excellent choice for family safaris because of its diverse mammal population. The country also boasts malaria-free areas and scores of family-friendly attractions. Yellowstone National […]
Tag: Yellowstone National Park
How Wolves Change Rivers
There are “elk” pictured in this video when the narrator is referring to “deer.” This is because the narrator is British and the British word for “elk” is “red deer” or “deer” for short. The scientific report this is based on refers to elk so we wanted to be accurate with the truth of the […]
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Removing the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species
Yet another tragic misstep by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) in it’s seemingly never ending quest to satisfy cattle ranchers and big game hunters is reflected in its proposal to delist the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus). In its press release Friday, June 7th, FWS writes “The proposal comes after a comprehensive review confirmed […]
Mind Numbing Beauty – Yellowstone 2013
I’m sat here looking out the window at the wet falling snow aching to be back in the beauty of Yellowstone in all its cold proper snow glory. I never thought id struggle to write this post Yellowstone Trip bog but it is the most amazing spell binding place that I’ve ever visited, even possibly […]
The Birds of Yellowstone by Don Getty – Part One
When people plan to visit Yellowstone National Park, they generally anticipate seeing wildlife like bears, buffalo, elk, etc. and the natural wonders such as geysers and waterfalls. Often overlooked is the incredible variety of birds. I drove away from two grizzlies in poor light which were just down the road from a group of American […]