Tersina (Swallow-tanager)

Tersina (Swallow-tanager)

Muchas Tersinas pude observar en la Posada la Bonita en El Soberbio, algunas mas confiadas que otras me permitieron obtener buenas fotografías, inclusive pude experimentar distintos seteos de balance de blanco en la cámara para tratar de que el color azul del pájaro salga tal cual es en la realidad, finalmente dejé todo en automático y opté por apagar el flash para que no aparezcan reflejos indeseados en el plumaje de la Tersina.

SMA 3838blog
Swallow Tanager (Tersina viridis)

SMA 3836blog
Swallow Tanager (Tersina viridis)

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Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.


Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.

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