Tricolor Heron, Egretta tricolor

Tricolor Heron, Egretta tricolor

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Formerly known as the Louisiana Heron, the Tricolor Heron (Egretta tricolor) is a mid-sized wading bird native to the Gulf Coast of the U.S.

tricolored heron map

One of only four Herons found in the U.S., the Tricolorfeeds in marshes and shallows by kinking up food with it’s feet.

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Most closely related to Bitterns (Ardeidae), Tricolors are seemingly secure with a worldwide population of 500,000….but losing it’s wetland habitat. They are also hunted in South America and “permits to kill” are issued in the U.S. to marine farms…..not to mention the disaster of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

bp gulf oil spill birds habitat map 2de

I am including this pic…..I like it because, although the colors of the heron are “blown out,” the reflection is sharp!! Serendipity, but I love the effect.

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Steven Scott

Steven Scott

Steven Scott is a photonaturalist blogger based in Florida and Maine. He has surveyed butterflies with Earthwatch Institute in the mountains of Vietnam, tagged juvenile snook with Mote Marine Laboratory in the mangroves of Florida and filmed a BioBlitz insect survey in Acadia National Park. A registered nurse and retired Army officer, Steven believes man is an integral part of nature and travels annually to Vietnam with humanitarian medical teams from Vets With a Mission.

Steven Scott

Steven Scott

Steven Scott is a photonaturalist blogger based in Florida and Maine. He has surveyed butterflies with Earthwatch Institute in the mountains of Vietnam, tagged juvenile snook with Mote Marine Laboratory in the mangroves of Florida and filmed a BioBlitz insect survey in Acadia National Park. A registered nurse and retired Army officer, Steven believes man is an integral part of nature and travels annually to Vietnam with humanitarian medical teams from Vets With a Mission.

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