Petition: End Deadly Primate Testing in the University of California at Davis!

Petition: End Deadly Primate Testing in the University of California at Davis!

We recently reported on an undercover investigation by Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz that revealed footage of dogs, cats, and monkeys suffering in a European laboratory. What was uncovered sparked outrage on behalf of concerned people around the world. But the truth is that monkeys have been bred and tortured for testing for a […]

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Petition: Protect Koalas From Extinction by Stopping Rampant Deforestation

Petition: Protect Koalas From Extinction by Stopping Rampant Deforestation

The Amazon rainforest fires have brought global attention to deforestation and the massive impact it has on the planet. Everyone is deeply affected by deforestation including the innocent animals who lose their habitat due to human actions. Orangutans are dangerously affected by deforestation for palm oil and the fires in the Amazon rainforest are affecting […]

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