People Are Paying to Participate in Organized Polar Bear Hunts

People Are Paying to Participate in Organized Polar Bear Hunts

Polar bears are one of nature’s beautiful, strong, impressive animals that are sadly subject to humans’ incessant trophy hunting. According to National Geographic, humans tend to hunt as ‘trophies,’ animals that are “most evolutionarily fit and possess the high-quality genes a population of animals need to adapt quickly to a changing environment.” This means the […]

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Petition: Urge Botswana to Restore Protection for Elephants From Poaching!

Petition: Urge Botswana to Restore Protection for Elephants From Poaching!

Botswana is home to one-third of the entire elephant population in Africa. Elephants are constantly in danger of poaching, habitat loss, and more human-inflicted threats. That’s why humans should be doing all they can to protect them. Yet, Botswana has in the last year only threatened to harm their elephants more. Botswana unarmed their anti-poaching […]

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