Enjoying Fall & Birding!

Enjoying Fall & Birding!

Tuesday October 1:

It was a misty morning at Petrie Island, Always An Adventure’s first official birding excursion this fall.

The fog lingered a bit thorough the first hours of the day, but vanished and gave room for blue skies and sunshine.

We had Merlin, Rusty Blackbirds, Green Heron, American Bitter and a young Bald Eagle at Petrie to mention a few species.

Enjoying Fall & Birding!
Birding Petrie Island, Ontario, Canada

At Giroux Pond it was Killdeer galore, in addition to Greater Yellowlegs, Dunlin, American Widgeon, and 3 Wilson’s Snipes.

Venturing through the back roads and farm fields, we had Sandhill Cranes, Coopers Hawk, American Kestrel, White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows.

We ended up with a day list of 63 species.

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis

Wood Duck

Aix sponsa

American Wigeon

Anas americana

American Black Duck

Anas rubripes


Anas platyrhynchos

Blue-winged Teal

Anas discors

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta

Green-winged Teal

Anas crecca

Ring-necked Duck

Aythya collaris

Wild Turkey

Meleagris gallopavo

Pied-billed Grebe

Podilymbus podiceps

Double-crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus

American Bittern

Botaurus lentiginosus

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

Green Heron

Butorides virescens

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Northern Harrier

Circus cyaneus

Cooper’s Hawk

Accipiter cooperii

Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis

American Kestrel

Falco sparverius


Falco columbarius

Common Gallinule/Moorhen

Gallinula galeata

Sandhill Crane

Grus canadensis


Charadrius vociferus

Greater Yellowlegs

Tringa melanoleuca


Calidris alpina

Wilson’s Snipe

Gallinago delicata

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Rock Pigeon

Columba livia

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Belted Kingfisher

Megaceryle alcyon

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Sphyrapicus varius

Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Hairy Woodpecker

Picoides villosus

Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Eastern Phoebe

Sayornis phoebe

Blue-headed Vireo

Vireo solitarius

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Black-capped Chickadee

Poecile atricapillus

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta canadensis

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis

Brown Creeper

Certhia americana

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Regulus satrapa

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula

Swainson’s Thrush

Catharus ustulatus

Hermit Thrush

Catharus guttatus

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

American Pipit

Anthus rubescens

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

Swamp Sparrow

Melospiza georgiana

White-throated Sparrow

Zonotrichia albicollis

White-crowned Sparrow

Zonotrichia leucophrys

Dark-eyed Junco

Junco hyemalis

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

Rusty Blackbird

Euphagus carolinus

Common Grackle

Quiscalus quiscula

American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis

House Sparrow

Passer domesticus

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Wednesday October 3:

Despite gloomy forecast from the weather people, this day turned out to be spectacular, both weather wise and birding wise.

It was supposed to be a photo day, but we ended up wanting to bird more than taking pictures.

We left Gatineau Park and went down to Ottawa river and wandered around in the nearby area.

The best birds of today was without question Grey-cheeked Thrush, Surf Scoter and a migrating flock of Clay-colored Sparrows.

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis


Anas platyrhynchos

Surf Scoter

Melanitta perspicillata

Hooded Merganser

Lophodytes cucullatus

Common Merganser

Mergus merganser

Double-crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Accipiter striatus

Cooper’s Hawk

Accipiter cooperii

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Herring Gull

Larus argentatus

Great Black-backed Gull

Larus marinus

Rock Pigeon

Columba livia

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Belted Kingfisher

Megaceryle alcyon

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Sphyrapicus varius

Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Hairy Woodpecker

Picoides villosus

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Contopus virens

Blue-headed Vireo

Vireo solitarius

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Black-capped Chickadee

Poecile atricapillus

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Regulus satrapa

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula

Gray-cheeked Thrush

Catharus minimus

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

European Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

Clay-colored Sparrow

Spizella pallida

White-throated Sparrow

Zonotrichia albicollis

Northern Cardinal

Cardinalis cardinalis

Purple Finch

Carpodacus purpureus

American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis

Birding Jack Pine Trail, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Red Squirrel

Birding Jack Pine Trail, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Thursday October 4:

Jack Pine Trail never fails when it comes to birds or scenery.

Today it was mild and comfortable with a thin layer of misty fog.

It smelled wet nature and fall and the landscape was quite magical.

We had Rusty Blackbirds and our first Fox Sparrow for the season. We also fed a few hungry Red-breasted Nuthatches and Chickadees.

After a great walk in the woods, we headed for the Quarry Pond, where we had several Cackling Geese, Lesser Black-backed and Greater Black-backed Gull, and adult Pied-billed Grebe to mention a few. We also had 5 Snow Geese and 2 Blue Morphs. We ended up with 50 different species of birds.

Snow Goose

Chen caerulescens

Cackling Goose

Branta hutchinsii

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis

American Black Duck

Anas rubripes


Anas platyrhynchos

Ring-necked Duck

Aythya collaris

Lesser Scaup

Aythya affinis

Ruddy Duck

Oxyura jamaicensis

Pied-billed Grebe

Podilymbus podiceps

Double-crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis

Greater Yellowlegs

Tringa melanoleuca

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Herring Gull

Larus argentatus

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Larus fuscus

Great Black-backed Gull

Larus marinus

Rock Pigeon

Columba livia

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Hairy Woodpecker

Picoides villosus

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Blue-headed Vireo

Vireo solitarius

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Black-capped Chickadee

Poecile atricapillus

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta canadensis

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis

Brown Creeper

Certhia americana

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Regulus satrapa

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula

Hermit Thrush

Catharus guttatus

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

European Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

Cedar Waxwing

Bombycilla cedrorum

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Fox Sparrow

Passerella iliaca

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

Lincoln’s Sparrow

Melospiza lincolnii

Swamp Sparrow

Melospiza georgiana

White-throated Sparrow

Zonotrichia albicollis

White-crowned Sparrow

Zonotrichia leucophrys

Dark-eyed Junco

Junco hyemalis

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

Rusty Blackbird

Euphagus carolinus

Purple Finch

Carpodacus purpureus

Pine Siskin

Spinus pinus

American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis

White-breasted Nuthatch

DSC0322 cropped
Joshua McCullough & the foal

Saturday October 6:

Rain and wind did not keep dedicated birders home today. We were greeted by hundreds of Red-winged Blackbirds at Petrie Island. They were loud and clear in the reeds and in the air.

We did the usual loop around the east end, but spent a little more time driving the back roads and checking out the farm fields. As the morning progressed, the weather changed and became quite pleasant. The highlight of the day was 14 Sandhill Cranes in the area of Milton Road.

We ended up with 52 species of birds.

Snow Goose

Chen caerulescens

Cackling Goose

Branta hutchinsii

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis

Wood Duck

Aix sponsa

American Black Duck

Anas rubripes


Anas platyrhynchos

Blue-winged Teal

Anas discors

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta

Green-winged Teal

Anas crecca

Ring-necked Duck

Aythya collaris

Greater Scaup

Aythya marila

Lesser Scaup

Aythya affinis

Red-breasted Merganser

Mergus serrator

Wild Turkey

Meleagris gallopavo

Pied-billed Grebe

Podilymbus podiceps

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Northern Harrier

Circus cyaneus

Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis

American Kestrel

Falco sparverius

Common Gallinule/Moorhen

Gallinula galeata

Sandhill Crane

Grus canadensis

Black-bellied Plover

Pluvialis squatarola

Semipalmated Plover

Charadrius semipalmatus


Charadrius vociferus

Greater Yellowlegs

Tringa melanoleuca

Least Sandpiper

Calidris minutilla

Pectoral Sandpiper

Calidris melanotos


Calidris alpina

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Rock Pigeon

Columba livia

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Hairy Woodpecker

Picoides villosus

Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Black-capped Chickadee

Poecile atricapillus

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

European Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

American Pipit

Anthus rubescens

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Savannah Sparrow

Passerculus sandwichensis

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

White-throated Sparrow

Zonotrichia albicollis

Dark-eyed Junco

Junco hyemalis

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

Eastern Meadowlark

Sturnella magna

Rusty Blackbird

Euphagus carolinus

Common Grackle

Quiscalus quiscula

American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis

House Sparrow

Passer domesticus

Fall, Ontario, Canada

Sunday October 7:

What a fantastic fall day!

We met at the west end, and headed straight for Andrew Haydon Park where we had a Peregrine Falcon and thousands of Brant fling over. We then went to Shirley’s Bay and from there we ventured out driving through colorful fall landscape in the west end. At Twin Elms Road, we had another Peregrin Falcon together with Red-tailed Hawks and Ravens. To our great surprise we also encountered several species of warblers, such as Tennessee, Nashville, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green and Orange-crowned. We also had 2 Eastern Bluebirds.

At the Quarry Pond, it was Snow and Cackling Geese, Redhead, and a one year bird Bald Eagle.

This Thanksgiving gave us the total of 61 species.

Snow Goose

Chen caerulescens


Branta bernicla

Cackling Goose

Branta hutchinsii

Canada Goose

Branta canadensis


Anas strepera

American Wigeon

Anas americana

American Black Duck

Anas rubripes


Anas platyrhynchos

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta

Green-winged Teal

Anas crecca


Aythya americana

Ring-necked Duck

Aythya collaris

Lesser Scaup

Aythya affinis

Common Goldeneye

Bucephala clangula

Hooded Merganser

Lophodytes cucullatus

Ruddy Duck

Oxyura jamaicensis

Common Loon

Gavia immer

Pied-billed Grebe

Podilymbus podiceps

Red-necked Grebe

Podiceps grisegena

Double-crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis

Peregrine Falcon

Falco peregrinus

Greater Yellowlegs

Tringa melanoleuca

Bonaparte’s Gull

Chroicocephalus philadelphia

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Herring Gull

Larus argentatus

Great Black-backed Gull

Larus marinus

Rock Pigeon

Columba livia

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Hairy Woodpecker

Picoides villosus

Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Black-capped Chickadee

Poecile atricapillus

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis

Brown Creeper

Certhia americana

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Regulus satrapa

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula

Eastern Bluebird

Sialia sialis

Hermit Thrush

Catharus guttatus

American Robin

Turdus migratorius

European Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

American Pipit

Anthus rubescens

Tennessee Warbler

Oreothlypis peregrina

Orange-crowned Warbler

Oreothlypis celata

Nashville Warbler

Oreothlypis ruficapilla

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Setophaga coronata

Black-thr. Green Warbler

Setophaga virens

Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia

Swamp Sparrow

Melospiza georgiana

White-throated Sparrow

Zonotrichia albicollis

White-crowned Sparrow

Zonotrichia leucophrys

Dark-eyed Junco

Junco hyemalis

Northern Cardinal

Cardinalis cardinalis

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

American Goldfinch

Spinus tristis

All excursions organized by

Always An Adventure

Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow

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Nina Stavlund

Nina Stavlund

Nina is Norwegian, an extensive world traveller, and is now living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She's also a passionate birder and nature lover. She's a professional photographer, graduated from "Bilder Nordic School of Photography" in Oslo, Norway. Her award-winning work appears in many catalogues, magazines, postcards, websites, calendars and more. Nina, & her husband Tony Beck, offer local excursions, international tours and photographic services through their company "Always An Adventure Inc". Nina also conducts photography and photo editing courses.

Nina Stavlund

Nina Stavlund

Professional Photographer accepting new assignments! After working as an Executive/Personal Assistant for 15 years, mainly in the oil and gas business in Norway, I needed a change in my life. Since photography had been a passion since I was a child, I wanted to do something creative and meaningful in this field. This inspired me to visit Greece for 3 wonderful years. After returning to Norway, I decided it was time to become a professional photographer/artist. In 2010, I graduated from “Bilder Nordic School of Photography” in Oslo. At the same time, I was working full time with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International Arctic Program. In addition to nature & wildlife photography, I also do lifestyle, weddings/anniversaries, portrait and creative photography and I teach photography and photo editing.

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