Lace Marketplace

Lace Marketplace

Lace Marketplace
Australian Lace Monitor (Varanus varius)

The Lace Monitor or Lace Goanna (Varanus varius) an Australian member of the monitor lizard family. Know mostly in Australia as goannas they are the second largest lizard after the Perentie (Varanus giganteus).

This specimen I found strolling on the beach, unafraid of human presence and feeding on food leftovers by the day visitors to the area. These are great unrehearsed moments, when opportunistic symbiotic tolerance is observed, making sure that fingers are kept well away, as a small bite will cause small envenomation in humans, with rapid swelling in minutes, blood clothing in the bitten area and shooting pain up the arm. Obtained good stock footage with Panasonic AG-AF102, as well as stills with Nikon D5100 @ f/5.6 1/800s Sports Focal 120mm.

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Alberto Vale

Alberto Vale is an avid naturalist and a successful wildlife videographer. He resides in Cairns, Australia, just minutes from the best wildlife locations in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest's. Conducting nocturnal wildlife interpretation tours for the past 14 years, Alberto claims that the two most important things for a successful wildlife videographer, " is to know the habitat and it's wildlife". His wildlife videography has two completed wildlife documentaries, soon to be released on DVD. Alberto has received numerous tourism and videography awards throughout his passionate naturalist career.



Alberto Vale is an avid naturalist and a successful wildlife videographer. He resides in Cairns, Australia, just minutes from the best wildlife locations in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest's. Conducting nocturnal wildlife interpretation tours for the past 14 years, Alberto claims that the two most important things for a successful wildlife videographer, " is to know the habitat and it's wildlife". His wildlife videography has two completed wildlife documentaries, soon to be released on DVD. Alberto has received numerous tourism and videography awards throughout his passionate naturalist career.

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