My Introduction to Wildlife Photography.

My Introduction to Wildlife Photography.

Allthough I had been taking photos for many years, they were only ever of holidays or family events – I was simply one of the many people who took photograps, in no way was I a photographer.

This began to change in February 2010 when my wife and I were lucky enough to be able to go on our first Safari holiday, to Kenya. Knowing that there would be fantastic opportunities to take some memorable photograohs, I decided to upgrade my basic point and shoot camera to something a little better.

After extensive research, I decided on a Panasonic Lumix because it seemed easy to use and was very compact which was important when actually on safari. After purchasing the camera I took one look at the 128 page manual and quickly decided to set the controls to Auto and that is how all of the Safari photos were taken.

On return from Safari, I decided that I should take up photography as a serious hobby and so I jpoined the local camera club, and at the start of this year upgraded to an entry level DSLR, theCanon1100D and a Tamron 70 – 300 lens.

I am still very much an amateur but am hopefully learning and improving my general photography skills.

I have added a small selection of the photos I took, which I hope you will appreciate,the first of which is one that I took at the Samburu Nature Reserve and is one that was luckily picked up by some of the National press in the UK earlier this year.

My Introduction to Wildlife Photography.
A group of giraffes I was very luck to spot and capture.

Cape Buffalo

Short Stories 7
Zebra Family

SAFARI%20334 edited 1
Lilac Breasted Roller

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Tony Murtagh

Allthough I have been taking pictures since my father gave me his Brownie Box Camera almost 50 years ago, I only took it up as a serious hobby in 2011. I bought my first decent digital camera (a Panasonic Lumix) prior to going on our first safari, to Kenya in February 2010, and as I was reasonably pleased with the results I decided to take photography up as a hobby and joined Maidenhead Camera Club where I started to learn how to use the camera properly! Since then I have changed it for a Cannon DSLR. I still count myself very much a novice but am hopefully learning and improving.


Tony Murtagh

Allthough I have been taking pictures since my father gave me his Brownie Box Camera almost 50 years ago, I only took it up as a serious hobby in 2011. I bought my first decent digital camera (a Panasonic Lumix) prior to going on our first safari, to Kenya in February 2010, and as I was reasonably pleased with the results I decided to take photography up as a hobby and joined Maidenhead Camera Club where I started to learn how to use the camera properly! Since then I have changed it for a Cannon DSLR. I still count myself very much a novice but am hopefully learning and improving.

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