

Rushing out the door, I went over the list in my head. Workout pants and layered tees—check. Running shoes—check. Coat, hat, gloves—check. Keys and sunglasses—check. MP3 player—check. Everything was in order as I pulled out of the driveway. Or so I thought. Fifteen minutes later I pulled into a parking space at thePower Valley Conservation […]

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The Chiffchaff

The Chiffchaff

Phylloscopus collybita – Passeriformes – Phylloscopidae – This bird feeds on insects and their larvae and will also eat fruits. The poor fellow is prey to the Sparrowhawk! This one is a female: Ilse nourrit d’insectes et de leurs larves qu’il fait tomber des branchages, ainsi que de fruits et serait une proie de choix […]

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