This morning at Oe I observed a Peregrine Falcon consistently attack an Eurasian Bittern. Although the falcon gained height and swooped down on a few occasions, it never actually “hit” the bittern – it kept breaking off its attack just before striking. I can only surmise that as it had lost the advantage of surprise, […]
Lake Apopka, 12/21/2012
Well, yesterday went a little better than predicted–the world didn’t end, and I had a great time at the Zellwood/Mt. Dora Christmas Bird Count. I was in the area around Lake Apopka–particularly to the north and east of it. It was a cold (by Florida standards) and blustery day, but it was a great day […]
European Goldfinch, males
Carduelis carduelis – Passeriformes – Fringillidae. This is the bird that started my passion for birding when I was a kid! I have hand raised a number of Goldfinches but one in particular was very special. He would go to his cage only to sleep and nibble seeds, otherwise he was always with one of […]
Un momento inolvidable con el Cardenal común
Estando con Willy sentado a la sombra en la estancia Ñu Porá esperando que se sirva el almuerzo pudimos disfrutar de este momento espectacular frente nuestro a escasos metros de distancia; Dos cardenales (Padre e hijo) se acercaron a comer las sobras que dejaron los patos y las gallinas. El pichón ya estaba bastante crecidito […]
My Favorite Bird Photos of 2012
At the end of each year I like to go back and look at the bird photographs I have taken and choose the ones I like the best for a “favorite bird photo” post. I usually choose one photo for each month but this year I have thrown in some extras, probably, for one reason […]
Golondrina ceja blanca (White-rumped Swallow)
El cable del tendido eléctrico no es el mejor posadero para una golondrina fotográficamente hablando pero estaba muy cerca mío y no desaproveché la oportunidad de sacarle una foto a esta Golondrina ceja blanca en el pueblo de Misión Laishí Formosa. Pasó bastante tiempo desde el primer registro que tengo de esta especie, la primera […]
Top 12 Encounters of 2012
With 2012 nearly over I can say very loudly I CANT WAIT for it to end. This year has certainly had its highs but those of course come with the Lows. Plenty of food for thought and life lessons learned from the lows and onwards and (hopefully) upwards into the future. So first the Lows… […]
RSPB Troup Head
In June 2012 I visited RSPB Troup Head, in order to produce a short promotional film for the RSPB. A week was spent filming on the high sea cliffs of the reserve, where I was privileged to be in the presence of the beautiful and prehistoric Northern Gannet, Morus bassanus. The close proximity allowed me […]