Wood Pigeon, Kukupa (Kereru), Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Wood Pigeon, Kukupa (Kereru), Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Kukupa/Kereru [flowplayer src=’https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/pigeon-lead-in.mp4′ width=640 height=480 splashend=show splash=’https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/penny56-30.jpg’ autoplay=false] Wood Pigeon “coo”. Normally each call would be maybe 10 seconds apart. I have compressed for convenience. I hear this only occasionally, and generally late summer / autumn. R09_0002 Southern Maori referred to our native pigeon as Kukupa, although the more common “Kereru” of Northern Maori is […]

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In mijn laatste blog was het onderwerp ook al min of meer dinertime. Echter toen onder een andere titel. Na een aantal weken veel uur gewerkt te hebben en weinig tijd gehad voor fotograferen heb ik vandaag de camera weer eens opgepakt en ben onze “natuurtuin” ingegaan om eens wat onderwerpen te gaan zoeken voor […]

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Maine 2011 Trip

Maine 2011 Trip

In July of 2011 I had the pleasure to travel to Maine with my husband. My main objective was to photograph Atlantic puffins, but Maine has more than just puffins to offer the photographer. We made three stops, Acadia National Park, Cutler and Greenville. Acadia National Park has many coastal views to capture, including of […]

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