There is a very interesting paper written by members of Fundación Migres here in AndalucÃa, entitled ‘Autumn Migration of Juvenile Short-Toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from Southeastern Spain‘. Onset, duration and routes of migration differed between the two individuals, but both eventually settled in approximately the same area (c. 170 km apart). The wintering grounds were […]
Stewart Island.. The Worlds Largest Predator Free Environment ??
New Zealand And Introduced Predators As far as I am aware only New Zealand and Hawaii were mammal free lands before the arrival of human beings, and as such have very real issues with some of the mammalian species which have since arrived, either as accidental or later regretted introductions. Because of course our ecosystems […]
Oriental Honey Buzzard | Pernis orientalis
This morning I had a chance to go to Mount Hiyamizu near Sasebo city, Nagasaki prefecture. This time of year is good for migrating Oriental Honey Buzzard at Hiyamizu, and although there were gale-force winds and generally cloudy conditions, the birds co-operated and I could see 68 of the raptors fly past the mountain observatory […]
Three Rare Migrants in Palawan, Philippines
I’ve only seen the WHITE WAGTAIL twice, the first was about a year ago in La Mesa Ecopark in Quezon City where it was first discovered by fellow birdwatcher Ruth Francisco of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. This time in Sabang, the fellow birdwatcher who first sighted it was Will Cabanillas of Birdwatch […]
A newborn mantis dreams her mirror-image, their glowing fates sealed by the gods – Chinese mantis – Tenodera aridifolia sinensis
World Animal Day!
Oh hello strangers, been a while, eh? I’ve been a neglecting this blog for quite some time, apologies! I’ll attempt to be better about that. Here’s some old photos (I’m pretty sure I’ve posted most in the past) in honor of World Animal Day. I kinda dig the animal world, if that weren’t obvious…(from top […]
Flowerpeckers from the Philippines
The Philippines is home to a number of flowerpeckers, small, stout passerine birds, with short thick decurved bills designed for eating small fruits as well as to sip nectar from flowers. They are really small and very active birds and is usually found in a mixed feeding flock together with other birds such as sunbirds, […]
Fiddler Crabs
Cold weather is beginning to settle over New England. New Jersey’s coastal fiddler crabs are about to disappear into the mud until spring. Read about it in my blog Urban Wildlife Guide. And read more about urban wildlife in my book Field Guide to Urban Wildlife.