Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow

For a day thatthe weather forecasters said wouldbe “Sunny” this morning sure didn’t start off that way. In fact, for the first hour or more the light was very wishy-washy. The clouds were thick to the east and blocking the sun. But… when the sun finally did start to shine one bird made the bad […]

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Emerging Economy Growth To Heat Planet Quicker Than Expected

Emerging Economy Growth To Heat Planet Quicker Than Expected

The ongoing rapid industrialization of the world’s advanced developing economies means global emissions of heat-trapping gases will by the end of the decade exceed safe levels by far more than previously expected, according to a report published Friday. The report from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency said global greenhouse gas output will be at least […]

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The sound of silence

The sound of silence

. Silent Spring, the ground-breaking book by Rachel Carson on the negative effects of DDT and other pesticides, celebrates its 50th birthday this year. Carson’s genius, in part, was in personalizing a difficult and somewhat esoteric subject using a humble and ubiquitous example—nearly everyone, regardless of age, education or political leaning, could easily grasp the […]

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