Pangot Woodlands With the beautiful mountains of the Himalayas surrounding us, along with incredible fresh air, we ventured into the woodland areas searching for interesting subjects. With Caesar, and 3 drivers, 2 guides, we were able to locate several excellent species. Study and Patience. While we all would trek around looking for something cool to […]
Call of The Wild Project
This week myself and Phil have been helping out at Cramlington Learning Village, involved in the Call of the Wild Project being run by Darren Mead and Martin Said. Twenty-Four Year 7 & 8 students are busy creating an album of ambient music, inspired by the song of birds to raise awareness of wildlife conservation. […]
Spring Migration at Point Pelee Part II
Always An Adventure was this year hired by Road Scholar Canada / Routes to Learning to guide two back-to-back trips to Point Pelee for spring migration 2012. Besides Point Pelee, Ontario’s Birding Hot Spot, we made stops at Long Point and Rondeau Provincial Parks. Each tour lasted 5 days and occurred during the peak of […]
Invisible Collector | National Pollinator Week
It’s National Pollinator Week, June 18-24, 2012. A solitary alchemist wears flowers like a robe, an invisible collector of treasures transmuted to food, bending to the rhythm of the dark current of life. • Solitary bee
Red-tailed Hawks Nesting on High Power Tower
I’ve been chronicling this pair of Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and submitting their breeding records to Cornell Lab for the last four years. Last year was not so good as the pair hatched two eyas and lost them after a huge storm in late May. I never saw them at the nest after that storm […]
Spring Ducklings
I believe these to be Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) but if I am wrong I don’t mind being corrected, I do have trouble with female duck ID at times and I appreciate all the help I can get with them. I photographed this family of ducks at Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area in northern Utah earlier […]
Narcissus Flycatcher | Ficedula narcissina
One of the most sought-after species for visiting birders to the East Asia region is the brilliantly coloured Narcissus Flycatcher. Their range is quite narrow, and they are probably one of the harder species to see while breeding (most often they are more closely observed on migration to and from Southeast Asia). Fortunately at the […]
Birds of Bear River MBR – Snowy Egrets
Recently I spent two days in a row photographing birds at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (aka Bear River National Wildlife Refuge) in northern Utah and found plenty of birds to aim my lens at. Going to the refuge means getting up at o’dark hundred and leaving by shortly after 5 am to get there […]