The ongoing rapid industrialization of the world’s advanced developing economies means global emissions of heat-trapping gases will by the end of the decade exceed safe levels by far more than previously expected, according to a report published Friday. The report from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency said global greenhouse gas output will be at least […]
Pollen Smugglers
Lured back to the hive after a heist gone bad, a pair of pollen smugglers ignore the bright chaos, their crimes darken the sky. • Honey bee | Apis mellifera
A little bit of Africa in Arabia
There is some debate over which world eco-zone Saudi Arabia belongs in. In the north its flora and fauna are typically western palearctic but in the south west of the country there is a distinctly African feel. The argument is about the rest. I work in Riyadh but I am fascinated by “the little bit […]
Cooler Weather in the Middle of April
Last year we were remarking about how early the seasons are starting, particularly with early springs, now there seems to be an abrupt halt to this trend. In any case the whole world is seeing huge changes in climate and many unnatural and prolonged weather patterns, with intense flooding in Australia, violent hurricanes across the […]
The sound of silence
. Silent Spring, the ground-breaking book by Rachel Carson on the negative effects of DDT and other pesticides, celebrates its 50th birthday this year. Carson’s genius, in part, was in personalizing a difficult and somewhat esoteric subject using a humble and ubiquitous example—nearly everyone, regardless of age, education or political leaning, could easily grasp the […]
Western Meadowlark – Up close and personal
During the spring Western Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta) can be easy to locate and then approach because they spend so much time singing from the tops of boulders, bushes, posts and other manmade objects. I photographed this Meadowlark singing while perched on a sign on Antelope Island State Park this past Monday. The bird was so […]
Black-bellied Plover – Composition is a Matter of Personal Taste
One photo of a Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), two different compositions: As much as I like to compose images that are full frame I find that I often allow myself a touch of extra space around my subject so I can recompose in post processing by making different crops. When I photographed the resting Black-bellied […]
Me and my Tiger
I was absolutely sure: there were NO Tigers in Bandhavgarh. Despite being one of the most hailed Tiger reserves in India and promoted with quotes for the National park like “you are unlucky not to see a Tiger in Bandhavgarh”, I was certain: it was a hoax! A tourist trap. I had taken 8 safari’s […]