Birding with a camera in Thailand. Birdwatching is today, one of the strongest lines of tourism around the globe. According to an U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study, only in the United States of America, birdwatchers contributed with 36 billion USD to the nation’s economy in 2006, and over 20% of all Americans are identified […]

Teaching Birds to 2nd Graders
Today I did a “career day” at a local elementary school, where I taught four different 2nd grade classes about my “career” in birding. It was quite entertaining to tell a group of young children all about birds. The interactive bits were the best! As I showed them a photo of a Ferruginous Hawk, I said, “What […]

Sociable Plover or Hoopoe Lark?!
Another day at the IBRCE produced a good number of Chiffchafs and more Savi’s Warbler. Steppe Eagles were moving in lower numbers today (or because the wind has reduced, they all went higher in the sky?!). Dead-sea Sparrows are becoming exceptionally beautiful at this time of the year and it is a real treat to […]

Andalucian nature says hello!
Southern Iberia and Andalucía outstand because of its biodiversity. The eastern areas of this part of Europe are rich in birds, wildflowers and insects, specially Moths and Butterflies. This is the Mediterranean paradise from where I will write my posts, bringing you the best excerpts of nature. It’s only mid-february but after a freezing winter […]

Jaguar in Iwokrama, Guyana 19 January 2012
One of the highlights of our trip to Guyana was two sightings of Jaguars on the road between Iwokrama and ATTA. A young male appeared at the roadside 40 meters from us on his way through the area. Our guide Smith was able to keep it at bay on the road for five minutes by […]

Florida Everglades by Fabiola Forns
River of Grass This was the name that conservationist Marjorie Stoneman Douglas liked to call the Everglades, a place like nowhere else in our world – wet and dry, wild and developed at the same time. It is formed by a mosaic of sawgrass marshes, pine rockland forests, tropical hardwood hammocks, mangrove swamps and coastal […]

An afternoon at Nebrownii waterhole, Etosha National Park, Namibia
One of Africa’s great reserves is the incredible Etosha National Park in northern Namibia. This vast, arid wilderness of 22,750 square kilometers is centered around the seemingly endless Etosha Pan, a saline depression that irregularly fills with rain water and at these times attracts millions of flamingoes and other waterbirds (as is the current situation.) […]

Spring alive…
This time of year is exceptionally thrilling for me; while the wintering species are still dominating, there are many “firsts” for the season that appear daily in different corners of the Arava and some of our breeding species already have brood-patches. During the last few days numbers of both Lesser and Common Whitethroats, Chiffchafs and Sedge Warblers have risen both in […]