The European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) is a small insectivorous passerine bird. It is found across Europe, east to Western Siberia and south to North Africa; it is sedentary in most of its range except the far north. European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Night life in the Arava
During the last few days, things haveslow downa bit with migration. Nevertheless we still get 100-150 birds daily at the IBRCE ringing station and there are many Tawny Pipits and the first Short-toed Larks in many fields. The Cinerous Buntingwhich wasoriginally found by Harvey and Mary Van Diek is still present in Ophira Park (which […]
Her Private Rainbow
Her Private Rainbow • Feeling the faint outlines of the long road home, her private rainbow speeds her search for a hint of the heavens.
Swallow-tailed Kites
Swallow-tailed Kites have begun migrating back into Central Florida, and I thought it would be appropriate to commemorate their arrival with a tribute here. These kites are easily recognizable by the white head and body, black on their wings, and a deeply forked, black tail. These are one of my absolute favorite species of birds. […]
Up to 900 tropical bird species could “go extinct”
Up to 900 species of tropical land birds around the world could become extinct by 2100, researchers say — a BBC Nature report by Anna-Louise Taylor for BBC Nature News (images in this post by Alex Vargas and Jorge Chinchilla) The finding is modeled on the effects of a 3.5C Earth surface temperature rise, a […]
Spring Bird Migration
For many people the world over, spring migration with the return of our summer songsters is an exciting time of year. The first swallow or cuckoo heralds in the summer and floods our thoughts with summer haze and the smell of wildflowers. When I lived in Ireland March was typically cold and wet and summer […]
Colour Blending
The Green Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus archeri) is one of the several rare and endemic species found only in northern Australia tropical rainforests. With an unusual green tinge, this is the result of black, yellow and white hairs in its fur. With this excellent camouflage this animal can be observed at all levels of rainforest by […]
Legendary Birdwatcher – Fair Isle’s Jimmy Stout 101 Years Old Today
A strange call comes from a flushed Pipit as 14 year old Jimmy walks across the croftlands. The inquisitive young man follows the bird and sees unusual white markings. Later the boy recounts his observation of white mantle stripes and the swooping movement in flight to his father George (Fieldy) Stout and house guest, the […]