I finished off the last blog post by talking about the special experience and fascinating research of been on first name terms with a wild whale. On the 24th June during a Whalewatch Explorer this was exemplified monumentally in a memorable natural spectacle. Going Back to the year 2000 a minke whale with a distinctly notched dorsal fin […]
Tag: Ewan Miles

Argyll eagle action – Scotland’s soaring reputation could be shot at?
I used to dream of seeing the bird that has the sunlit eye. You will never forget the first time you see one fly. The sight of a soaring eagle over a Scottish landscape is one to admire. An iconic symbol of courage and strength that has the power to inspireEwan Miles. White-tailed eagles in […]

Isle of Mull – story of the stack
It was early spring on ‘eagle island’ and on our marine excursions covering the north shore of Mull we were monitoring our local white-tailed eagle territory to see if nestingattemptswere taking place. After not seeing any clues in their traditional nest site high up in aconiferplantation, we noticed the female bird seemed to be hunkered […]

The Sky Dancers
It was Easter weekend, an early start after a great night watching the Northern Lights. I was driving through the magnificent Glen More in the south east of Mull, the sun was beaming down and as it reached mid morning the temperatures started to pick up. An immature Golden Eagle appeared above the mountainous skyline […]
Kitty the Toon
A Brand new series of children’s books will be released in the UK in the coming years to help inspire the next generation about British wildlife. The first book is a story about Kittiwakes in the North-East of England which havecolonisedthe city of Newcastle during the breeding season and have become the first inland colony […]

Knobble the Minke Whale
The whale watch operator Sea Life Surveys based on Mull has been covering areas of Hebridean waters since 1982 with the main focus being minke whales which arrive in the summer season to take advantage of the abundant food supplies. Part of Sea Life Surveys’ work, along with taking groups out to experience the fantastic […]

Most Popular and Widely-Read Wildlife Articles from 2012
You may be surprised to learn that our global team of wildlife photographers and authors published more than 1,500 articles last year in promoting the cause of wildlife conservation. Although we’re already well into 2013, it is certainly not too late to review the successes from last year. Several of the more popular articles were […]

Isle of Mull – Eagle Country
It was the first week of March on the wintry island of Mull and I was out in the field to focus on a local pair of Golden Eagles to monitor their early season behaviour. The usual persistence was required to see these elusive birds and once the snow eased off, in classic Mull fashion, […]