How the war in Ukraine has impacted migrating eagles: Birds have been forced to deviate from their usual flight plan to avoid active conflict zones, study reveals

How the war in Ukraine has impacted migrating eagles: Birds have been forced to deviate from their usual flight plan to avoid active conflict zones, study reveals

Every spring, thousands of Greater Spotted Eagles make the arduous journey from East Africa and Greece to southern Belarus to breed. Now, a study has revealed the impact of the war in Ukraine on this annual migration for the first time. Researchers from the University of East Anglia found that shortly after Ukraine was invaded […]

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Let the games begin once again

Let the games begin once again

After long idle due to being too occupied in moving into our new house at last, yesterday I went back to the field, joined by Shachar with his powerful Nikon (thus I didn’t really bother photographing…)We had a great day with many birds and goodevidenceof migration throughout. Starting at K20 we found the ponds loading […]

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Migration resumes

Migration resumes

The 7th Eilat Bird Festival is behind us and despite not getting to our usual final checklist of 240 species, we stillmanagedto get a nice assembly of species, some not very commonly seen neither at any of the past festivals nor every spring like these Hill Sparrow,Black Bush Robins &PharaohEagle Owland no less than 3 […]

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