I love birds, and bird watching. As I watch the birds, I can tune out all the city noise as I sit quietly in a green space, slowing my breathing so as not to disturb the birds. Would they even hear my breathing? Probably not! I try to relax, and let nature envelop me…. It […]
Tag: Sandhill Crane

Farewell Harns Marsh Preserve And SW Florida
My likely last visit to Harns Marsh Preserve in Lehigh Acres, Florida, occurred in late October when I met up with Canadian wildlife photographer Frank Constantin. The weather was favorable with the grass well groomed and 39 species of bird observed in the ensuing two hours after sunrise during our stay. A good number of […]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a ….
I’m often asked how much lens do you need for bird photography? My response is a really old quote, “Go out with your longest lens or else you’ll come back short!” And with that I always add, what’s the story you want to tell? Because for me after being so fortunate to photograph birds for […]

Elegance on Ice
A very special place for critters, birds, Sandhill Cranes, in particular, is Bosque del Apache NWR. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have been coming here forever and this week being here with dear friends is extra special. Sandhill Cranes are an amazing bird coming to Bosque to overwinter, storing up reserves to make the flight […]

Another Harns Marsh Preserve Fail
Having missed the Everglade Snail Kite at Harns Marsh Preserve last week, I was compelled to make a follow up trip on 26 July to attempt to observe the species. I was much more observant to find Apple Snail eggs as well. The clutch of eggs above I questimate to contain 500, well within the […]

Is It Spring Yet?
I realize the east coast of the US is reeling from the latest of many severe winter storms this winter. But here in SW Colorado spring is in the air. It has been unseasonably warm with snow pack far below normal. The ski resorts are hurting and exceptionally dry conditions may cause issues later this year. But […]

Here, there, and everywhere.
Whoa. Hey there, strangers. Two months was the last time I updated this – unacceptable! But not my fault, I promise! I haven’t been on an actual computer until a few days ago and things have been a little chaotic. I spent most of December in New Mexico with family (yay!) and then all the […]

My Favorite Bird Photos of 2014
At the end of each year I like to go back and look at the bird photographs I have taken and choose the ones I like the best for a “favorite bird photo” post. I try to pick at least one photograph from each month however some months were photographically prolific, others not so much. […]