The last few weeks have been pretty busy for me with lots of tours and finding lots of migratory birds. This year’s early rain through the month of March was extreme but all along we knew that it would be a spectacular spring and hence have been rewarded with carpets of amazing multicoloured blooms covering […]
Tag: strait of gibraltar

Vultures in Spain
There are four different species of vultures breeding on the Iberian peninsula and probably the Lammergeier is the most impressive of them all. It’s also one of the birds on most raptor enthusiast’s wish list and not always an easy bird to see at close range. Like many people until I saw one at a […]

The Arrival Of Wintering Cranes
The last week has been pretty good bird-wise. The weather, as predicted let loose an enormous amount of water in Cadiz province just as I was returning from Eastern Germany & Poland. My flight from Berlin to Barcelona was delayed while they found a slot around more autumnal storms that were creeping up from the […]

Southern Spain Part 1 – The Strait of Gibraltar with Limosa Holidays
Day 5. Sunday 16th September A thick layer of mist hung over the coast and main road to Tarifa as we took an early breakfast. Driving a short distance onto the old military land, now being used by Fundación Migres, we left in the mini-bus and decided to have a look at the physical layout […]

August Raptors on The Strait
After a few weeks of westerlies and some lovely cooler weather the Levante or easterlies returned this afternoon with it’s usual stopping power. Already many raptors are backing up prevented from crossing during the day. Perhaps there’s a lull and during the evening or early morning birds can take a chance to cross to Africa […]