Costa Rica, a Holiday with Nature, Part 3 of 3

Costa Rica, a Holiday with Nature, Part 3 of 3

The Arenal Observatory Lodge has several feeders to attract birds and they did their job. I was able to photograph honeycreepers, tanagers, oropendola, woodpeckers and more.

The bird feeders also attracted White-nosed Coatis which fed on the scraps. These bold creatures would walk right into the restaurant if given a chance.

There is an extensive trail system at the Lodge which provides more opportunities to spot wildlife and different views of the volcano.

Costa Rica, a Holiday with Nature, Part 3 of 3
Arenal Volcano, from Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

Woodpecker BC Z2F9301
Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

Honeycreeper RL Z2F9439
Red-legged Honeycreeper, Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

Oropendola Mon Z2F9273
Montezuma Oropendola, Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

Oropendola CH Z2F9708
Chestnut-headed Oropendola, Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

The Lodge has a large observation deck overlooking Arenal Lake. I’m ending this trip report by sharing a sunset over Arenal Lake.

Arenal Lake MG 2847
Sunset over Arenal Lake, from Arenal Observatory Lodge, Coata Rica

Costa Rica is a great country to visit if you are a nature photographer, birder, or just a fan of the natural world. I hope you have enjoyed this brief three-part recap of our recent Holiday with Nature in Costa Rica. My plan is to return to Costa Rica in December 2012 to see if I can get some better photos on a photo tour led by a professional photographer.

For over 100 more photos from this trip go to

To go back to part 1 of this trip report go to

For part 2 go to

Don Getty

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Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

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