I recently had to make a sudden trip home to Australia due to the passing away of my mother. Amidst the sadness of the occasion I managed to escape at times to the relative solitude of the national park which borders my family home in Killarney on the Southern Downs of Queensland, or for walks […]
String Theory
Building the spine of the universe, an orbweaver studies string theory while rounding up wayward stars. • Orchard Orbweaver | Leucauge venusta
Summer Birding has started!
Tuesday July 3: The first morning of our Summer Program started at Petrie Island with wonderful weather. We quickly ventured out to explore the east end of Ottawa. At Carlsbad Springs we had an entire family of American Kestrels. We also went to Embrun and Casselman Lagoons, where we had the first fall migrants including […]
Parakeet, Kakariki, sp Cyanoramphus
Parakeets Red Crowned, Cyanoramphus novaezelandai Yellow Crowned, Cyanoramphus auriceps Audio Clip is a group of parakeet “socialisingAudio Clip is a group of parakeet “socialising” We have two species of parakeet on Stewart Island. Red Crowned and the slightly smaller Yellow Crowned. And in fact neither Iris nor I can ever remember seeing Yellow Crowned anywhere […]
Feeding male American Kestral
I photographed a male American Kestrel -Falco sparverius – as he fed this morning. He used a large Cordon Cactus as his look-out post and sallied forth to catch large insects on the ground. He would return to his look-out post to eat. During one of his flights I set my camera on ‘high speed […]
Skomer Island, Wales, by Fabiola Forns
Visiting Skomer Island The island of Skomer is located off the South West coast of Wales. It is one of a chain of islands separated from the Pembrokeshire coast by the waters of Jack Sound. The island is almost 3 square kilometers, and besides being a spectacular place, it’s one of the most accessible seabirds […]
Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) In Flower Hill Farm Gardens
Today I am sharing this mornings sighting and quite a joyous one! A Giant Swallowtail floating around our bee balm and milkweed blooms allowed me to get close enough to capture these images. At one point I had to chase a catbird away!I have never seen this beauty before and read that it is a […]
Raymond’s Costa Rica Birds
Passion A passion for challenge will take you to Costa Rica. The birds are spectacular, and the degree of difficulty for photography is immense. If you have never photographed birds in Costa Rica, you are definitely in for a treat. The colours alone make it worth the trip. Locations A big part of any successful […]