Lucia and I travelled through the flooded rice fields of La Janda early yesterday morning. She asked me if we could have a couple of hours photography. Although I encourage her and her sister about wildlife, I don’t drag the kids around rubbish tips or sewage farms or to gull roosts but rather respond to […]
PhotoShare: Blesbuck Sunset
I’ve been meaning to do a proper blog post on our Mana Pools safari, but have just been swamped with work and other commitments. I am also in the process of redesigning my official website, so watch this space. In the meantime, I have been cleaning out some older trip archives. This moody image of […]
Black-crowned Night Heron fly by
I spent yesterday morning photographing at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Box Elder County, Utah. Black-crowned Night Herons seemed to be everywhere on the south side of the auto tour loop, both adults and hatch year birds. Black-crowned Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) are wading birds that are mainly active at night, dusk and early […]
The Last Ash-throated Flycatcher Leaves the Nest
Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) photos by Larry Jordan It had rained heavily most of the night so I wasn’t surprised to see a soaked Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens) this morning. According to my nest box monitoring records, it was seventeen days after hatching and the nestlings should be ready to fledge (click on photos for […]
June Excursions
June Excursions in the greater Ottawa Area – Canada Tuesday June 19: Although the weather seemed unsettling as we left Ottawa for the Purdon Fen, upon our arrival, the rain completely stopped. Much to our delight, the glistening rain droplets covered ever bloom ofShowy Lady’s Slippers. It became an excellent day with calm conditions and […]
A Family of Peregrines Part 1
Nature’s Wonders, by Raymond J Barlow 2 of the worlds most amazing natural wonders, the Peregrine Falcon, and Niagara Falls in one place! Photographers from around Ontario and New York State have been enjoying the beauty and speed of this incredible Peregrine falcon family. They have nested and been successful with 4 fledglings now being […]
American Oystercatcher in a Tidal Lagoon
I’ve been working up images for a long post and this American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) image is a clue as to what that post will be about. I had a marvelous time on March 22, 2009 photographing this bird and several other oystercatchers in a tidal lagoon at Fort De Soto’s north beach. By that […]