My last trip to Sabkhat Al Fasl produced a number of waders of various species including the highest number of Marsh Sandpipers I have seen for a while. Most waders were Dunlins with good numbers of Common Ringed Plover scattered amongst them. A few smart plumaged Kentish Plovers were feeding around the shoreline and a […]
Tag: Dunlin
Waders at low tide – Al Khobar Sea Front
I had a couple of spare hours between dropping the family off and picking them up again in town so went to the Al Khobar Sea Front. This area allows views over the tidal mud flats and when the tide is in can hold thousands of birds. The tide was completely out when I went […]
Orlando Wetlands Park, 2/2/2014
What a fantastic morning at Orlando Wetlands Park! The area was just filled with birds. Of course, top on my list was seeing a Vermilion Flycatcher. It was right where has been–in the cypress trees in cell #17. But the area was also filled with other birds. Lots of Blue-winged Teal and Green-winged Teal, as […]
More news and updates from Eilat region
September is here and there are certainly many birds around! While Waders are coming in big numbers and variety, it is great to see also many new passerines moving through. The most thrilling for me was a bird i found last Friday (probably as a 40th birthday gift for myself) – a beautiful Grasshopper Warbler(only […]
Early Autumn Migration in Kuwait
Early August is the anticipated start of the annual Autumn migration when birds have completed their breeding season in Europe and both adult and juvenile birds start moving south to various parts of Africa for the second part of their endless summer. Kuwait is fortunate to be situated on two of the key migration flyways; […]
Saunders’s Gull (Chroicocephalus saundersi)
Yesterday morning I visited Daijyugarami for the first time this year. A little early for the rarer migrant waders, but there were plenty of Grey Plover, Red-necked Stint, Dunlin, Kentish Plover and Greater Sand Plover. There were also quite a few Black-faced Spoonbill slowly coming into breeding plumage, along with a sprinkling of Far Easter […]
Merritt Island NWR, 1/19/2013
Yesterday I drove out to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. I visited three areas: Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, Canaveral National Seashore, and East/West Gator Creek. When I arrived on the island and drove toward Blackpoint Dr, I saw a man pulled over looking into the trees. I decided to look at what he found, and it […]