It’s been another busy week here down on The Strait of Gibraltar. As the summer slowly comes to an end and autumn weather and shorter days signal birds to move slowly south, the skies above Cadiz province have all kinds of bird species flying over or stopping off to feed before crossing the narrow stretch […]
Tag: Honey Buzzard

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – continued…
Following my visit to the Rub’ Al-Khali, I returned to Dhahran which would be my base for the next few days. There were a few typical urban birds as well as some others of interest in and around the compound and some of the more open areas. Here is a selection of the common urban […]

Butterflies, Bugs and other Insects
Weather dominates the lives of all living things and changing weather patterns have an effect on the life cycles of most species on the planet. We talk about the weather all the time and European weather, if not global weather are going through changes. In south-west Spain we are feeling and experiencing unsettled and abnormal […]

Migration on the move again
Afterseveraldays of low numbers, migration has decided to show itself once again. Over the last few days we had good numbers both in the field and at the IBRCE ringing station.A very big wave of Red-backed Shrikes, Thrush Nightingalesand Barred Warblersall over with amazing numbers trapped daily (numbers represent total new birds for the season […]

Up and down and again…
This Spring is surely the one to be reminded as one of the least stable migration we had for years down in the Arava. While some morning start in full swing and there seems to be birds on every bush in the Arava and the sky are filled with migrating raptors, we have many mornings […]

Migration: Honey Buzzards, Harriers and Skimmers
I have never come across an Eagle Owl actively moving with other raptors during migration right on the edge of The Strait of Gibraltar. These huge normally nocturnal and secretive birds obviously do move or disperse but not much is known about where they travel to. One day someone will fit satellite transmitters to them […]