POLL: Should Australia’s customs ship monitor Japanese whaling?

POLL: Should Australia’s customs ship monitor Japanese whaling?

Australians overwhelmingly support calls for the federal government to send a customs ship to monitor Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean, a poll commissioned by the anti-whaling activist group Sea Shepherd indicates. The Coalition has previously been accused of backing away from a pre-election commitment to tackle whaling in the Southern Ocean, after refusing to […]

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We should be outraged by Europe slaughtering sea life in the name of ‘science’

We should be outraged by Europe slaughtering sea life in the name of ‘science’

One of the biggest jokes in conservation is the Japanese government’s claim to be engaged in “scientific whaling”. All the killing by its harpoon fleet takes place under the guise of “research”, as this is the only justification available, under international rules. According to Joji Morishita, a diplomat representing Japan at the whaling negotiations, this […]

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Japan’s whaling has produced more sushi than science

Japan’s whaling has produced more sushi than science

In 1994, member governments of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), the whaling regulatory body, agreed to create a vast sanctuary in the Southern Ocean. There, commercial whaling would be barred so whales hunted nearly to extinction could replenish their numbers in the cold, nutrient-rich waters and thrive again. The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was designed […]

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