One of the shorebird species I am able to see in Utah during migration that I photographed often while I lived in Florida are the lovely Black-bellied Plovers (Pluvialis squatarola). Black-bellied Plovers at the largest of the North American plovers and according to my iBird Pro app they are also the only American plover that […]
Killdeer Nest, Eggs and Young
For more more up to the minute news on bird conservation issues, check my “Birds in the News” page, brought to you by the American Bird Conservancy. You will also find posts on local birds and birding in California on my blog The Birder’s Report.
Western Kingbird – A Consolation Prize
There are times when I go out to photograph a specific species but come home with images of birds I didn’t expect to see. Yesterday Burrowing Owls with chicks were my target species but I wasn’t able to get as close as I would have liked though I did get images of this lovely Western […]
Birding in Brazil – a short birding in Paraná state on June holiday
On last holiday, Jun 8th, I travelled with my wifeto Guarapuava, Paraná state. It was pretty cold, 8 degrees Celcius, which is too cold to me. I visited the Parque das Araucáreas, a local park that still preserves the Araucaria angustifolia, or Parana pine,which used to be very common in this state, butunfortunatelyisthreatenednowadays. Inside the […]
Freezing Time
Casting a spell to freeze time, a grackle on the path to the perfect crime spirals out of control. • Grackle | Quiscalus quiscula
RSPB Troup Head
I’ve just came back from some time filming the Gannets ofRSPB Troup Head, for the RSPB, to produce a short promotional film of the reserve. We’d planned for me to stay a week, but it soon turned into a two weeks, when I lost my car keys on the cliffs somewhere (most likely off the […]
Birding in Brazil – time to leave the Serra da Canastra National Park
Before leaving, we tried the humminbirds once again. I could get the photos below. And and we were on the road, a final photo: thePlumbeous Seedeater, which I tried during the prior four days. With this photo, I finish the trip to Serra da Canastra National Park. If you missed the prior reports, […]
Best Photo of the Week Competition
During the last week our authors and photographers have been busy and posted a total of 39 articles with some great images. Our competition is called “Best Photo of the Week”. You may wish to click on the images to enlarge them to get the full effect. Please select the three images you like best […]