Things are buzzing by my head now at a pace so frantic it’s hard to keep up. I am heading off to Mana Pools in Zimbabwe next week, a dream destination for me. Afterwards I shall have plenty of time to wind down and catch up on things like regular blogging, etc. In the meantime […]
Different Views of Nature
I was developing a research project on Grey Partridge a number of years ago and part of the experimental aspect of the work involved releasing pen reared birds on what appeared to be suitable farmland habitat. I identified with a farmer in Kildare, Ireland, who had a great love of Partridge. He vividly recounted where […]
No quacks .. just whistles.
The grass whistle duck (plumed whistling-duck) is not a true duck because they are monochromic (both sexes have same colour plumage) and have long legs and necks. Also the traditional “quack” is a actually a whistle. Predominately found in N. Australia and scattered groups in New South Wales & Victoria, with only a small area […]
Parrots Laterality
Laterality is the motor and sensory controls in our body. In another words in humans is mostly identifiable as utilising either the right or left side of our body in our motor and sensory control. Most humans are right handed, although the trend from decades ago has undergone some social changes, it is said that […]
Western Sandpiper on the Go
It dawned on me this morning that I haven not posted an image of a Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) here yet so I pulled this one out of my archives that I photographed at Fort De Soto, Florida as the small shorebird ran in front of me on the shoreline. Western Sandpipers winter along the […]
South Island Saddleback, Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus.
South Island Saddleback are one of the success stories of New Zealand species conservation. Once common throughout the South Island, by 1962 they were restricted to just 4 offshore islands at the south of Stewart Island. Rat predation having seen the rest off. And then in 1962 rats were discovered ashore on these islands and […]
Lark Sparrow on Antelope Island
I had some luck with a cooperative Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) this past Sunday where the handsome bird stuck around for quite a bit on several different perches. Lark Sparrows are showing up in nice numbers this year on Antelope Island State Park and I am tickled that they are because they are great subjects. […]
Lush Green Spring at Chaffey’s Locks
We started bright and early for our carolinian adventure to Chaffey’s Locks. We had a hot and wonderful day exploring the area, where some of our best songbirds were Yellow-throated Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, Black-billed Cuckoo, Cerulean & Golden Winged Warbler. On the raptor side we had several Red-shouldered Hawks, a few Broad-winged Hawks and Coopers […]